The latest technology with significant improvement is cloud computing. The term may not be the new thing. In fact, you know about this one from business, office, school, company, even your own computer. People are wondering what the real meaning of this technology. If you do not have prerequisite understanding to know detail, it is better to start with the simple definition. After that, you learn more pros and cons. Technology is applicable due to it brings pros and cons. The last part will be the latest trend and the future of cloud computing.

What Is Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the usage of computer and its resources including storage and data center to handle the task over internet. In fact, many experts might have various explanations when you ask them about this tech. They use cloud to represent something not you can get with hand.
You use internet and access the website including playing game and social media. The developers store the files in the hosting service based on their options. It can be shared hosting, vps, and dedicated server. Regardless platform, users only know they will get the content. You install server with database, software, and application. You can open document virtually via browser and edit without installing the app in your computer. Therefore, this is what the cloud computing supposed to be.
Users collaborate and manage the content then share with other. The file is not in their local disk but located in virtual storage such as dedicated server or just hardware virtualization computer from third party provider. You do not need to worry about hardware installation, data center, and technical things. As users, you just get the service based on data and apps that your company will use.
The simple example of this service is Google drive. It is started as cloud storage, which means you can save files over internet. This kind of service is similar to file sharing website. The different is the service is more dynamic. You not just save and upload but edit, send, and share. More importantly, you can work with this platform as equal as office.
Company can outsources all apps and software including data center and technology into third party service that provide cloud computing. People think this one is high risk due to all services and private data are not available at in-house server. It was past issue because the latest update provides security measures including privacy and legal aspects when using this service.

The Future of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing has various models and implementations. You order vps or virtual private server for personal use. It is also the most common example of this technology that one person can get. Some platforms are for public and community where everyone can access. On the other side, you also see specific order for cloud computing with hybrid model.