Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology where users will feel a sensation that makes them feel like they are in an engineered place. The technology is applied using some special equipment such as special goggles that are connected to the image maker so that later the user will clearly see what the real computer imaged.
VR has been widely used for video games, giving players the sensation to get a grip on the game itself. For example, in a dewiku88 game, players will feel they are in a real battlefield. In fact, VR has also been integrated with a special costume that will convey vibrations when the user gets a touch or attack in the video game he plays.
Apart from video games, VR also has several other uses that are no less exciting. Here are some of the uses of VR apart from video games.

Medical Training
Yes, medical personnel have been better trained to cure patients with special training using VR. Here, the medical team will be “brought” into the human body to see the condition directly, although of course the images of these organs are just artificial images that are not original.
However, with this VR training, the medical team is expected to gain more in-depth knowledge about the condition of the human body.
Space Training
Nowadays, everyone can actually go to outer space, even through VR. Before actually going to the sky, astronauts are currently trained in VR to be able to operate various equipment in space and also to survive there. To be able to get this training, astronauts certainly don’t need to actually be on the shuttle. They only need to use VR to get the experience as if they were on a spaceship.
Military Training
There is no better training than going straight to the field. However, sometimes direct military warfare training can be costly. Therefore, military training is now starting to use VR to get the same experience only at a relatively low cost.
By using VR, military training can be made in various conditions of warfare and also with any equipment available according to training needs. So, it will be the same as playing video games. But of course with a much more serious goal.
Military training using VR is claimed to be able to increase military capabilities even higher than just doing training using theory and showing videos or the like.
This technology has also penetrated into the automotive world, where now leading companies are starting to design cars using VR technology. In fact, the leading American vehicle company, Ford, has its own laboratory using Vurtual Reality technology, for prototyping their latest car.
The VR function also helps the world of education. With technology, it allows students to experience a different learning experience than studying in class. Like an Immersive VR Education site that presents a variety of tutorials that students can directly practice using VR.